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Physical activity can be fun and doesn't have to involve going to a gym.

"I hate 'working out'."

Photo of a couple walking on neighborhood street

"I hate 'working out'."

  • Choose forms of physical activity that you enjoy.
  • Try something that increases your heart rate, like walking, biking, jumping or dancing.
  • Get outside and play with your kids.
  • Improve your strength with body weight exercises, such as squats or push-ups, or yoga.
  • Tidy up your home or vacuum the floors. Anything that gets your body moving counts! 
Try This

Aim to walk for 30 minutes today—and it doesn't have to be all at once.

Let's Move! "Move Your Body" with Beyoncé

Beyoncé's "Move Your Body" video for the NABEF's Let's Move! Flash Workout

“Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips.”