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Limiting screen time means healthier kids.

"I'm worried my kids watch too much TV."

Photo of family watching tv

"I'm worried my kids watch too much TV."

Some reasons why it can be important to limit screen time:

  • Children with TVs in their bedrooms have higher rates of obesity.
  • Kids who spend more time with screens tend to have poorer nutrition behaviors, get less sleep, and exercise less.
  • Kids who spend more than two hours a day on screens score lower on language and thinking tests, and show decreased levels of attention. (Reference study)
  • Kids learn to be creative and problem solve by playing, not watching.
  • Too much TV is linked to behavioral and academic problems at school.
  • Screen time, whether from watching TV, social media, or playing games, can delay and interact with our abilities to get a good night's sleep.

Some ideas to consider when creating a plan of action:

  • Try to only use TV when you really need it—avoid having the TV always on.
  • Have a central place—outside of bedrooms—where all devices are stored and charged overnight. Set up a nightly time to "check-in" each device and a corresponding "wake up" time when it's OK to use them again the next day.
  • Watch TV with your kids, instead of leaving them on their own, as much as possible.
  • Check sites like Common Sense Media for reviews of programs your kids are interested in, so you can discuss the potential dangers and determine if it's appropriate to watch.
  • Check the chart below for some guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Suggested Screen Time Use by Age (from the American Academy of Pediatrics)

Try This

Talk with your kids about why it's important to limit screen time and then, together, create a screen time plan you all can stick to.

Tips to Limit Screen Time for Children

The effects watching tv has on our children.

“Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips.”