Photo credits (left to right): Photo credits (top to bottom): Flickr: John Loo; Flickr: Barbara L. Hanson;
Foods Included
Orange, Tangerine, Tangelo, Lemon, Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice, Lime, Lime Juice, Grapefruit, Pomelo (Pummelo), Loquat, Blood Orange, Cara Cara Navel Orange, Key Lime, Mandarine Orange, Kaffir Lime, Clementine, Kumquat, Ugli Fruit
Citrus is a term for juicy fruits that grow on trees and have a rough outer skin that must be peeled before eating the inner fruit. Citrus comes in shades of be yellow, green, or orange and can be sweet (oranges) or sour (lemons, limes, grapefruit).
Buy It
- Choose citrus fruits that are firm and feel heavy for their size.
Store It
- Store oranges at room temperature for 5-7 days.
- Refrigerate for up to 3 weeks.
- Store pummelos in your refrigerator for up to one week.
Cook It
- Enjoy citrus raw -- toss an orange or tangerine into your bag before leaving the house for a refreshing snack later in the day.
- Add citrus to salads -- they work well in both fruit salads and vegetable salads!
- Sprinkle lemon or orange zest onto foods for more flavor.
Why It's Great
- Vitamin C keeps our immune system strong and helps our bodies heal quickly.
- Fiber helps with healthy digestion and keeps us feeling full. Eating enough fiber has been shown to keep our hearts healthy too.
Try It
Whole Wheat Pasta with LemonWhole Wheat pasta, Lemon juice, Lemon zest, Olive oil, Basil, Parmesan cheese, Salt
Spicy Broiled Tilapia with LimeTilapia fillets, Pepper, Cayenne pepper, Cumin powder, Garlic powder, Oregano, Lime
Citrus VegetablesWater, Zucchini, Corn, Salt, Fresh lime juice, Olive oil, Fresh oregano
Orange-Glazed TurnipsTurnips, Water, Orange, Orange juice, Olive oil, Honey, Salt, Parsley
Orange FreezeOrange juice, Ice cubes, Milk, Vanilla extract, Mandarin Oranges
Carrot, Jicama, and Orange SaladCarrots, Jicama, Oranges, Fresh parsley, Fresh lime juice, Mayonnaise, Salt, Ground chili powder