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Photo of several heads of cabbage
Photo of a head of red cabbage
Photo of several heads of cabbage in a basket in front of a window
Photo credits (left to right): Photo credits (top to bottom): Flickr: La Grande Farmers' Market; Flickr: Pauline Mak; Flickr: ilovebutter

Foods Included

Red, Green, Napa, Kohlrabi


Cabbage are dense-leaved heads that come in shades of white, green, or purple (although it is often called red cabbage). Cabbage leaves can also vary in texture, with some smooth and others "crinkled." Cabbage has a mild flavor and can be eaten raw or cooked.

Buy It

  • Choose cabbage heads that are firm and dense with shiny, crisp, colorful leaves free of cracks, bruises, and blemishes.

Store It

  • Put the whole head in a plastic bag in the crisper of your refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.
  • If you need to store a partial head of cabbage, cover it tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate.
  • Since the Vitamin C content of cabbage decreases once it has been cut, you should use the remainder within a couple of days.

Cook It

  • Eat raw or cooked; more nutrients will be preserved and it will taste better if the cabbage is cooked only slightly tender but still crisp.
  • Remove the outside leaves and then cut the head into pieces of any size. For the first cutting, be sure to cut the head down through the heart and the stem, so that the part not used will remain intact. This can be used another time if it is kept cool and moist.
  • If the cabbage becomes wilted, it may be freshened by briefly placing it in cold water before it is to be cooked.

Save It

Why It's Great

  • Vitamin C keeps our immune system strong.
  • Vitamin K helps our bodies heal quickly.


Try It

Slow-Cooked Potatoes and Cabbage
4 hrs 15 mins
Photo of prepared Slow Cooked Potatoes and Cabbage
Cabbage and Meat Stew
45 mins
Photo of prepared Cabbage and Meat Stew
Sautéed Cabbage
15 mins
Photo of the prepared recipe
Chicken & Cabbage Salad inspired by Goi Ga
20 mins
Cabbage with Carrots
25 mins
Photo of prepared Cabbage with Carrots
Tangy Cabbage
30 mins
Photo of Tangy Cabbage on a plate

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