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Photo of mangos
Photo of several mango slices
Photo of mangos
Photo credits (left to right): Photo credits (top to bottom): Flickr: FutureExpat; Flickr: stevendepolo; Flickr: Bridget Coila

Foods Included



Mangoes vary in size and color, but are usually red, yellow, or green on the outside and yellow or orange inside. They have a single flat, oblong pit that does not separate easily from the pulp. Ripe, unpeeled mangoes smell very sweet.

How to Prepare:

  1. Clean mangoes by rinsing under cool running water and scrubbing with a brush or rubbing with your hands. Dry with paper towels or air ary. 
  2. While holding the mango with the stem at the top, slice down just to the side of the stem. Then make another slice, parallel to the first, on the other side of the stem. Your goal is to create two halves, leaving the pit in the center slice.
  3. Next, add vertical and horizontal cuts to each half to create a grid, without slicing all the way through the skin.
  4. Finally, use a knife, spoon, or glass to scoop out the cubes of mango.
  5. OR: You can also remove the skin by using the tip of a sharp knife to make 4-6 shallow cuts in the skin from the top almost to the stem end of the mango. Peel back the skin as you would a banana and eat around the pit.

How to Cut a Mango - Part 1

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How to Cut a Mango - Part 2

Photo attribution:

How to Cut a Mango - Part 3

Photo attribution:

How to Cut a Mango - Part 4

Photo attribution:

Buy It

  • Mangoes should be plump and firm, but not hard.
  • They should have smooth yellow or red skin and smell sweet.

Store It

  • Keep whole, uncut mangoes at room temperature and use within 3-5 days.
  • Once cut up, store mango in an airtight container in the refrigerator and eat within 1-2 days.
  • Whole mangoes can be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag for up to 1 week.
  • A mango is ripe when it feels soft if you press the skin.

Cook It

  • Add fresh mango to a fruit or vegetable salad.
  • Blend in smoothies or bake in pastries/breads.
  • Makes a great addition to salsa or tacos.
  • Grill and enjoy over fish or chicken.
  • Can be a recipe substitute for peaches or nectarines.
  • Make a mango compote—simmer with water, sugar, lime juice, and cinnamon for about 30 minutes. Skim froth off periodically. Mash/blend according to your preference.

Save It

Instead of tossing your overripe mangoes, try this:

  • Peel and seed the mangoes
  • Place the peeled fruit into a blender or food processor
  • Add a squeeze or two of lime juice
  • Puree the fruit until smooth
  • Pour into ice cube trays
  • Freeze until solid
  • Dump frozen mango cubes into a freezer bag for storage in the freezer

You can use the frozen mango puree in smoothies, to tenderize meat, or to mix-in with ice cream or yogurt.

Why It's Great

  • Vitamin A keeps our eyes working, our immune system strong, and our cells growing.
  • Vitamin C keeps our immune system strong and helps our bodies heal quickly.
  • Vitamin E protects cells in our body from damage and keeps our immune system healthy.
  • Potassium, a type of electrolyte, helps build muscle and keeps your heart healthy.  

Try It

Mango-Cucumber Wrap
15 mins
Mango Cucumber Wrap
Mango Smoothie
5 mins
Mango Salad
8 mins
Photo of the prepared recipe
Mango Chicken Stir-Fry
30 mins
Mango and Black Bean Salad
10 mins
Romaine, Mango, and Jicama Salad
15 mins
Photo of the prepared recipe

“Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips.”