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Photo of five carrots that have just been pulled out of the ground
Photo of raw carrots
Photo of purple carrots
Photo credits (left to right): Photo credits (top to bottom): Flickr: John Morgan; Flickr: John Morgan; Flickr: SummerTomato

Foods Included

Whole carrots, Baby carrots


Carrots are long root vegetables that taper at one end. They are a crunchy, sweet vegetable and are usually orange. There are some varieties of carrots that come in shades of purples and yellows. "Baby cut carrots" are often called baby carrots, but are actually cut down to 2-inch pieces from fully grown carrots.

Buy It

  • Choose crisp, firm, deep orange colored carrots without cracks.

Store It

  • Carrots can be stored for 1-2 weeks.
  • Store them in the coolest part of the refrigerator in a plastic bag or wrapped in a paper towel to reduce the amount of condensation that can form.
  • Keep them away from apples, pears, potatoes, and other fruits and veggetables that produce ethylene gas; it will cause them to become bitter.
  • Don't store on the counter at room temperature.

Cook It

  • Wash and scrub carrots before eating.
  • If the stem end is green, cut it off as it will taste bitter.
  • Carrots can be left whole or grated, shredded, or sliced into sticks or rounds.
  • Steam carrots with a little bit of water in a microwave-safe dish in the microwave for 5-10 minutes.
  • Boil carrots in a little bit of water in a pot on the stove for 5-7 minutes.
  • Roasting carrots in the oven gives them a sweeter flavor. Cut carrots into 1.5 inch pieces and coat with oil, salt, and pepper. Transfer carrots to a baking sheet and spread out in one layer. Cook at 400˚F in the oven for about 20 minutes or until browned and tender.

Why It's Great

  • Beta carotene is converted to Vitamin A which keeps our eyes working, our immune system strong, and our cells growing.
  • Antioxidants help protect our cells from damage due to normal body functions and environmental factors.
  • Potassium, a type of electrolyte, helps build muscle and keeps your heart healthy. 
  • Vitamin K helps our bodies heal quickly.
  • Fiber helps with healthy digestion and keeps us feeling full. Eating enough fiber has been shown to keep our hearts healthy too.

Try It

Honey-Mustard Carrots
15 mins
Photo of prepared Honey-Mustard Carrots
Carrot Soup
1 hr 15 mins
Photo of the prepared recipe
Carrot, Jicama, and Orange Salad
10 mins
Photo of the prepared recipe
Moroccan Carrot Salad
20 mins
Roasted Root Vegetables
40 mins
Photo of a sheet pan of roasted root vegetables
Carrots and Chayote with Lemon
20 mins

“Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips.”