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Photo of jar of yogurt, with a spoonful being presented on top
Photo of a bowl of yogurt with fresh blueberries
Photo of a bowl of yogurt, a glass of milk, and many types of fresh fruit and vegetables
Photo credits (left to right): Photo credits (top to bottom): Flickr: Dvortygirl; Flickr:; Flickr: USDAgov

Foods Included

Fat-free yougurt, Low-fat yogurt, Greek style yogurt, Goat's milk yogurt, Sheep's milk yogurt, Soy yogurt, Almond milk yogurt, Coconut milk yogurt


Yogurt is a fermented milk product that is high in protein. Greek yogurt is much thicker and is strained in a cloth, paper bag, or filter to remove the whey. It has a consistency similar to sour cream. Yogurt can also be made with soy and nut milks, like almond and coconut milk.

Buy It

  • Check the "best by" date on the container to make sure it's still fresh.
  • Avoid yogurts that have artificial colors, flavorings, or sweeteners; it's better to add fresh fruit to plain yogurt.

Store It

  • Always keep yogurt in the refrigerator in its original container.
  • Use by the "best by" date.

Cook It

  • Make yogurt dips for either fruit (add vanilla and cinnamon) or vegetables (add herbs or garlic).
  • Create yogurt parfaits by layering yogurt, fresh fruit, and granola in a glass.
  • Top yogurt with fresh fruit and nuts for breakfast or a snack.
  • Yogurt can also be used as a substitute for sour cream.

Why It's Great

  • Calcium is good for bone health. Combine high calcium foods with with foods that contain Vitamin D for better absorption.
  • Proteins are building blocks for our bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. They provide a variety of nutrients that are essential for health and maintenance of your body. Greek style yogurt has higher concentration of protein.
  • Phosphorus is present in every cell in the body.  It helps with the formation of bones and teeth.
  • Riboflavin is a B vitamin that helps our body change carbohydrates into energy and is important for body growth and eye health.
  • Probiotics help keep our digestion healthy.

Try It

Baked Pears with Maple Yogurt & Granola
40 mins
Yogurt Parfaits
15 mins
Photo of prepared Yogurt Parfait
Yogurt with Cucumber
15 mins
Photo of prepared Yogurt with Cucumber

“Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips.”