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Photo of a basket of pears
Photo of pears
Photo credits (left to right): Photo credits (top to bottom): Flickr: La Grande Farmers' Market; Flickr: See-ming Lee

Foods Included

Bosc, Anjou, Bartlett, Asian, Cactus Pear


Pears are sweet and juicy fruits with mild flavor. When ripe, a pear feels soft and a little grainy on your tongue. Asian pears are more crunchy, like a mix between an apple and a pear. They are also very juicy and sweet.

Buy It

  • Check the pear next to the stem. If it feels soft, then it's ripe and ready to eat.
  • Choose pears that are firm with no bruises.
  • Brown speckling is normal on many pears.

Store It

  • Store at room temperature for 3-5 days to ripen pears, or keep in the refrigerator if already ripe and use within 5-7 days.

Cook It

  • Eat whole or cut into pieces after removing stem, core, and seeds.
  • Bake pears in oven and add cinnamon for a sweet dessert.

Why It's Great

  • Vitamin C keeps our immune system strong and helps our bodies heal quickly.
  • Fiber helps with healthy digestion and keeps us feeling full.  Eating enough fiber has been shown to keep our hearts healthy too.
  • Pears are one of the most easily digested fruits.

Try It

Pear Puree (Baby Food)
15 mins
Baked Pears with Maple Yogurt & Granola
40 mins
Tuna Salad with Pears
20 mins
Photo of Tuna Salad with Pears in a bowl
Fruit Crisp
45 mins
Photo of the prepared recipe
Pear, Grape, and Cucumber Salad
5 mins
Photo of Pear Grape Cucumber Salad with lime

“Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips.”