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Baking Staples

Photo of a container with flour in it
Photo of cocoa powder in a glass jar, with a spoon
Photo of a glass jar with vanilla extract
Photo credits (left to right): Photo credits (top to bottom): Flickr: isabel*la; Flickr: Nomadic Lass; Flickr: mommyknows { Kim Becker }

Foods Included

White Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Baking Powder, Baking Soda, White Sugar, Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Vanilla Extract, Almond Extract, Cocoa Powder


Baking staples are considered common ingredients used for baking anything from bread to cookies. If you plan on baking, these ingredients are great to keep in your kitchen for convenience and to reduce extra trips to the store.

Buy It

  • Look for unopened flour bags and spices to ensure freshness.
  • Buy smaller amounts of spices if possible since the strength of the flavor fades over time. Try to use it before the expiration date.
  • Check the expiration dates on baking powder and baking soda since they are less effective after they expire.

Store It

  • Store in a cool, dry place (like a pantry or cupboard)
  • Whole wheat flour should be stored in the refrigerator so it doesn't spoil.

Cook It

  • Try using half white flour and half whole wheat flour in your favorite baked goods recipes.
  • Some recipes call for more sugar than they need. Experiment with using less sugar in the recipe. It usually still tastes plenty sweet!

Why It's Great

  • Using half white flour and half whole wheat flour adds fiber and nutrients without drastically changing the texture of the baked good.

Try It

Whole Wheat Pancake
30 mins
Photo of Whole Wheat Pancake on a plate
Apple Chunk Cake
1 hr
Photo of prepared Apple Chunk Cake
Banana Berry Pancakes
20 mins
Photo of prepared Banana Berry Pancakes
Pumpkin Walnut Muffins
35 mins
Pumpkin walnut muffin

“Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips.”