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Photo of olives on a tree
Photo of a pile of black olives
Photo of pitted green olives in a bowl
Photo credits (left to right): Photo credits (top to bottom): Flickr: wollombi; Flickr: Flavio~; Flickr: CeresB

Foods Included

Black olives, Green olives, Kalamata olives


Olives are small fruits that grow on trees and are native to the Mediterranean, Asia, and Africa. They are egg-shaped with a shiny appearance and have pits on the inside. Some olives that you can buy in the store have the pits already removed. Olives are pickled and stored in jars or pressed to make olive oil.

Buy It

  • If buying fresh, choose green olives when they look pale green or yellow and black olives when they look dark purple.
  • Olives can be purchased in jars or cans. Check the expiration date to ensure freshness.

Store It

  • Store olives in an air-tight container in the refrigerator.

Cook It

  • Pickled olives can be eaten by themselves -- just be careful not to eat too many if you're watching your sodium intake.
  • Add sliced olives to homemade pizza or to a salad.

Why It's Great

  • Vitamin E protects cells in our body from damage and keeps our immune system healthy.
  • Healthy fats are good for our skin and brain, and help us feel satisfied after a meal.
  • Antioxidants help protect our cells from damage due to normal body functions and environmental factors.

Try It

Cauliflower Salad
30 mins
Cauliflower salad with tomatoes and olives
Chicken Tagine with Olives and Artichoke Hearts
40 mins
Photo of Chicken Tagine
Tuna Pasta Marinara
15 mins
Photo of the ingredients used to prepare Tuna Pasta Marinara
Hummus & Veggie Pita Sandwich
5 mins
Caesar Chicken Pasta Salad
25 mins
Stuffed Bell Peppers
5 hrs 10 mins

“Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips.”