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Photo of one whole persimmon and another one cut in half
Photo of persimmon fruit
Photo of persimmon fruit
Photo credits (left to right): Photo credits (top to bottom): Wikimedia Commons; Flickr: Koshy Koshy; Flickr: Toshiyuki IMAI

Foods Included

Hachiya Persimmons, Fuyu Persimmons, Persimmon, Sharon Fruit


The two common types of persimmons are Hachiya and Fuyu. Hachiya tastes "furry" if eaten before it is fully ripe, and but once it is very soft, it has a sweet and delicate flavor. Fuyu are best eaten when firm, like an apple.

Buy It

  • Choose persimmons that are smooth, brightly colored, plump, glossy, and well-rounded and with their leaf still attached.
  • Avoid cracks and bruises.
  • Yellow patches usually mean that the fruit is unripe.

Store It

  • Ripen persimmons at room temperature until they are soft, about 3-5 days.
  • Once ripe, refrigerate for 2-3 days.

Cook It

  • Eat persimmons whole, like an apple.
  • Add slices of persimmon to salads.

Why It's Great

  • Vitamin A keeps our eyes working, our immune system strong, and our cells growing.
  • Vitamin C keeps our immune system strong and helps our bodies heal quickly.
  • Fiber helps with healthy digestion and keeps us feeling full.  Eating enough fiber has been shown to keep our hearts healthy too.


Try It

Persimmon Spinach Salad
15 mins

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