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Photo of several bottles of vinegar
Photo of red wine vinegar being poured out
Photo of two glasses of vinegar
Photo credits (left to right): Photo credits (top to bottom): Flickr: SimplyPanda; Flickr: 96dpi; Flickr: rosmary

Foods Included

Red wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar, white vinegar, white wine vinegar, sherry vinegar, balsamic vinegar, rice vinegar


Vinegar is a sour-tasting liquid that is mostly made from acetic acid and water. Vinegar is commonly used in salad dressings, but it can be used to add flavor to steamed vegetables, to poach eggs, or to perk up any can of soup or sauce.

Buy It

  • Experiment with different types of vinegar if you're unsure which one to buy. White vinegar and red wine vinegar are most often used in cooking. Apple cider vinegar and balsamic vinegar taste great in salads!

Store It

  • Store vinegar bottles in a cool, dry place, like a pantry.

Cook It

  • Sprinkle some vinegar, olive oil, and oregano over a fresh salad for your own salad dressing. It tastes better and is less expensive than buying pre-made dressings!
  • Use vinegar in meat marinades to make them more tender.

Why It's Great

  • Vinegar adds a sour flavor to foods and can often replace salt—vinegar has no sodium!

Try It

Chinese Broccoli with Wine & Sugar
10 mins
Classic Balsamic Vinaigrette
5 mins
Photo of Classic Balsamic Vinaigrette
Mexican Pickled Vegetables
35 mins
Photo of the prepared recipe
Quick Pickled Onions
10 mins
Photo of pickled onions
Pickled Green Beans
25 mins
Pickled beans
Warm Kale and Lentil Salad with Honey Mustard Vinaigrette
22 mins

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