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Photo of three brown eggs
Photo of an egg being fried sunny-side up in a frying pan
Photo of scrambled eggs with black pepper
Photo credits (left to right): Photo credits (top to bottom): Flickr: Brenda Gottsabend; Flickr: Martin Cathrae; Flickr: vidalia_11

Foods Included

Chicken eggs (white and brown), Duck eggs, Goose eggs, Quail eggs


Eggs are oval or round and are laid by female birds. Eggs are high in protein and other nutrients, and are cooked or baked into foods. Chicken eggs are most commonly consumed in the United States.

Buy It

  • Be sure to check eggs in the carton before purchasing as some may have broken during transportation or handling of other customers.
  • You can choose eggs with any colored shell – they'll taste the same.
  • Make sure the shell is smooth and is not broken.

Store It

  • Store eggs at the very back of the top shelf in your refridgerator to keep them cold.
  • Use by the "best by" date.

Cook It

  • Eggs can be scrambled, fried, hardboiled, or even microwaved.

Why It's Great

  • Eggs are one of the cheapest sources of protein. Proteins are building blocks for our bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. They provide a variety of nutrients that are essential for health and maintenance of your body.
  • Vitamin A keeps our eyes working, our immune system strong, and our cells growing.
  • Iron is essential for red blood cells and muscles.
  • Zinc is important for a healthy immune system and for healing wounds.
  • Vitamin B12 helps keep our nerve and blood cells healthy. It also keeps our brain functioning properly.

Try It

Asparagus with Fried Eggs
15 mins
Microwave Scrambled Eggs
4 mins
Hearty Egg Burritos
40 mins
Veggie Scramble Wraps
15 mins
Photo of veggie scramble wraps
Mushroom Quiche
1 hr 15 mins
Eggs with Nopales
40 mins

“Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips.”